Monday, October 12, 2009

Trying to figure out what happened to fall, you know that season in between summer and winter. All of a sudden over night we have snow and it is 9 degrees in the AM, in October. What is with that!!
Yard work not finished, my piles sit under snow. It is supposed to warm back up, that is good.
Need to work on finishing up my felted bag today. All that is left is some felting.I have the panel attached now, I am not sure I like it with the panel, but it is going to have to work. I am not removing it after all the time spent blocking it and getting it stitched on. Other wise I am quite happy with the bag in general.

Monday, October 5, 2009


Today was a very nice Fall day high of 52* but very sunny and it felt warm. I did yard work cleaning up. Musing while raking, remembering back to when I was a child and later in my adult life my grandfather keeping a calender daily of the temps at the same time in the AM, noon, and again the daily high. He was a farmer so I suppose those things were all pretty important.
As he grew older he added more to his daily log, like who stopped by to visit. One particular post had caught my attention, it noted I had been by to visit and I had a little boy with me. Looking back at dates it had to have been my youngest son, but odd I never knew grandpa did not know his name. My son is grown now and grandpa is no longer with us, but he often comes to mind on Fall day such as this.
Fall is by far my favorite season.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

October, and yes Fall has arrived here in Montana. Cooler weather, but still pleasant. We could use some moisture, I need to dig my carrots and till under my garden for the season. I will have to set sprinklers to make the soil workable if rain doesn't come soon.

I have been trying to finish a knitting project.
I have found the internet indispensable in looking up unfamiliar knitting terms. I am not a knitter after all, I just thought it would be fun. I took up knit and felt projects awhile back just to try it, I actually enjoy it. The felting hides a multitude of knitting sins! What I have found the best with knitting is I can so easily pick it up work for 10 minutes and forget it for days, or even months and everything is still workable.
My first knitting project was knit and felt slippers, what was I thinking? I made and remade that first slipper at least 6 times, good practice. The truth is I was terrible at counting stitches, and my tension was very poor.
My next goal is batteries for my camera-maybe posting some photos. This would be a good thing for me to do, I am so bad at taking pics and then transferring them to the computer, after all who has time for this-just a task I don't enjoy.
I must correct that.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Another Day in Paradise

What a wonderful day, the sun is shining the air is cool, and the smell of fresh bread is in the air.
Today is bread baking day. I started many months ago a sour dough starter and make my bread once a week. Today is sour dough rye. I like the slight chocolate rich flavor of this bread, we eat it hot from the oven with butter or with humus and sprouts later. I decided to try my hand at sprout making also, it is so simple and oh so cheap in comparison to purchasing sprout.
No basket weaving today, but I do look forward to getting at it soon.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Putting Summer Away

I finished cutting the last of my sweetgrass last night. Each year this becomes a larger task, I just don't have the heart to keep my two beds in check. It may also be that cutting and sorting this wonderful fiber is relaxing, I enjoy those times in the garden. The weather is not too hot, but the sun is shining. The smell of the cut grass is so pleasant and I can look forward to Fall and Winter weaving and coiling. I guess in short the work is done and enjoyment is ahead.
There is much to do yet in the garden, which for me is salad fixings and weaving materials. Many more beds to cut and put away, but the one I cherish the most is complete.